捍衛「民主台灣」! 美防長提2大挑戰威脅印太區域

美國國防部長艾斯培(Mark Esper)。(路透資料照)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國國防部長艾斯培(Mark Esper)15日推文表示,美方將繼續與日本、南韓、紐西蘭、東南亞與太平洋島國建立更緊密關係,並維持對「民主台灣」承諾。
艾斯培15日在推特上連發4篇推文,表態美國對印太區域的重視,並轉貼他在新加坡《海峽時報》(The Straits Times) 的投書,強調在武漢肺炎(新型冠狀病毒病,COVID-19)和中共的挑戰下,美方將致力與區域盟友及合作夥伴建立更緊密安全關係。
Partnerships: we continue to build closer relationships with Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga and other Pacific Island nations. We remain committed to a democratic Taiwan. pic.twitter.com/mfG2jSJ5IJ
— @EsperDoD (@EsperDoD) June 15, 2020
As an Indo-Pacific nation, the #USA is investing in preparedness, strengthening partnerships, and promoting a more networked region. https://t.co/nZNvCsWwPZ
— @EsperDoD (@EsperDoD) June 15, 2020
A more networked Indo-Pacific region: the values we share across the region bind us together, make us stronger and preserve peace and prosperity. pic.twitter.com/GHbFlRAyTy
— @EsperDoD (@EsperDoD) June 15, 2020
Preparedness: the R&D budget is the largest in @DeptofDefense history. Hypersonics, 5G, AI, and other platforms are critical to the Indo-Pacific theatre. pic.twitter.com/U72bXdfHOW
— @EsperDoD (@EsperDoD) June 15, 2020