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《中英對照讀新聞》Central Seoul to ban old diesel vehicles from 2019-首爾市中心將自2019年起禁駛老舊柴油車



2018/02/04 06:00


The Seoul Metropolitan Government will ban old diesel-run vehicles within the city’s four remaining ancient gates _ Namdaemun in the south, Doneuimun in the west, Heunginjimun in the east and Sukjeongmun in the north _ sometime next year, a bold move to tackle fine dust in the city.


"We’re just waiting for the Ministry of Environment to complete drafting the vehicle grade system. We’re projecting the ban to enter into force sometime next year," an anonymous city official said.


The vehicle grade system is a work in progress, through which all vehicles registered in the country will be classified into seven categories _ from cleanest at zero to dirtiest at six. Vehicles in category six _ diesel vehicles manufactured in 2005 or before _ will be banned from entering the city center.



draft:動詞,起草、設計、徵兵。Please draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting.(請為該計畫草擬一份提案,我們可在開會時討論。)

enter into force:動詞片語,生效、開始執行。New driving regulations are going to enter into force this year.(新的駕駛規則即將於今年生效。)

register:動詞,註冊、登記、顯示、表達、寄掛號。Students must register for the new course by the end of February.(學生必須在2月底前註冊該新課程。)

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